====== Conspy : tiny screen or VNC ====== Slitaz core provides the 10Kb conspy to get remote control of Linux virtual consoles. See http://conspy.sourceforge.net/ Slitaz opens 6 virtual consoles which you can access with Ctrl-Alt-F1 to Ctrl-Alt-F6. You can connect to console 1 with //conspy 1// and console n with //conspy n// or the current active console with //conspy// (root user only). To exit from conspy (and the virtual console) press the escape key three times in quick succession. ===== Conspy as screen (session manager) ===== Linux supports up to 63 virtual consoles. You can have up to 62 (63 - X11 on console 7) sessions. Six sessions are already opened by Slitaz. You can open a new console / new session (say console 28) with //openvt -c 28 /bin/login// or //openvt -c 28 /bin/ash//. You can free this virtual console with //deallocvt 28//. Example: home$ ssh tux@slitazbox box$ su box# openvt -c 28 /bin/ash box# conspy 28 # some commands ... # box# exit box$ exit With a recent busybox (see below) you can skip the openvt step: home$ ssh tux@slitazbox box$ su box# conspy -cs 28 # some commands ... # box# exit box$ exit Later: home$ ssh tux@slitazbox box$ su box# conspy 28 # more commands ... # box# exit box$ exit To close the session: home$ ssh tux@slitazbox box$ su box# conspy 28 # exit box# deallocvt 28 box# exit box$ exit With a recent busybox (see below) you can skip the deallocvt step: home$ ssh tux@slitazbox box$ su box# conspy 28 # clear; exit box# exit box$ exit If you prefer to use screen, see http://www.gnu.org/software/screen: # tazpkg get-install screen $ screen -S MySession ===== Conspy as VNC (shared console) ===== You can share a virtual console between two or more users. Say RemoteUser wants to show some commands to SlitazUser using SlitazBox. RemoteUser selects SlitazUser's console with //chvt//: home$ ssh SlitazBox SlitazBox$ su SlitazBox# chvt 1 SlitazBox# conspy 1 Now both users show the same terminal. A third user can do //conspy 1// too. If you prefer to share the X11 display, install x11vnc (VNC server) and x11vnc-extra (java VNC client) see http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/: SlitazBox# tazpkg get-install x11vnc SlitazBox# tazpkg get-install x11vnc-extra SlitazBox# /etc/init.d/x11vnc start home$ su home# get-java-jre home# exit home$ firefox http://SlitazBox:5800/ultrasigned.vnc ===== X11VNC Autostart ===== If you'd like to start X11VNC automatically you must edit /home/$USER/.xinitrc with: # nano /home/tux/.xinitrc # ~/.xinitrc: Executed by slim login manager to startx X session. # You can use F1 with Slim to change your window manager or configure # it permanently with your personal applications.conf file. # . $HOME/.config/slitaz/applications.conf ############################################################ ## ATTENTION!!! INSERT THE FOLLOWING LINE AFTER .conf FILE CALL /etc/init.d/x11vnc start & case $1 in e17|enlightenment*) ... **DO NOT USE** the Autostart Programs option under OpenBox or Daemon tricks, it will start a X11VNCserver before a X11server and crash the VNC after the first client connection. So you'll only connect once to the server (and it's not desirable in support environments). ===== Conspy and slow connections ===== Launch a very verbose command into a conspy and the output is displayed at full speed in the virtual console whatever your connection speed to the remote box is (even if your connection is broken). ===== Conspy and Busybox ===== Conspy is a busybox applet since busybox 1.17.0. It adds 2.5Kb to busybox, has better terminal support and supports some new options: * -c to create missing devices (/dev/vcsaXX and /dev/ttyXX) * -d for screen shot# conspy -nd 28 > screen28.txt * -s to launch a shell# conspy -cs 28 (no more openvt/deallocvt) * -x COL -y LINE upper left corner position * -f follow cursor with automatic scrollings The conspy applet is enabled in the busybox package. The conspy package is no longer more useful than the recent busybox and will be removed from the packages database. ---- \\ ^ Page Review Section ^^ |Quality| Good | |Review| Minor Updates | |Priority| Medium | |Problems| add a [[http://forum.slitaz.org|forum post link]]| |::: | OR add a [[http://labs.slitaz.org/issues |lab issue tracker link ]]| |How to Improve| Suggest briefly| |::: | | \\ ----