====== Monthly Newsletter - Issue 14 ====== * Written on 16th January 2010 ===== Latest News ===== * SliTaz featured in Distrowatch [[http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20100111#feature|review]] * SliTaz [[http://mirror.slitaz.org/iso/cooking-snow/README.html|snow]] isos released * We will have a stand at the forthcoming http://www.solutionslinux.fr/ * Newsletter is back again! ===== New Packages ===== * calcurse * tty-clock * nethogs * icmptx * plotdrop * xournal * apr-dpd-* * openvas-* * snort * lives * gkll * gutenpy * python-pyprotocols * aspell-{hu,cs,id,it,ru,sl} * evince * libmagic * libical * libmpdclient * libunique * libplayer * libvalhalla * elementary * enna * libffd ===== Updated Packages ===== * mpg123 => 1.10.0 * openbox => 3.4.9 * cairo => 1.8.8 * firefox => 3.5.7 * web-applications => 1.2 * postgresql => 8.3.9 * apr => 1.3.9 * apache => 2.2.14 * sarg => 2.2.6 * squid => 3.0STABLE21 * putty => 0.60-2009-09-08 * sudo => 1.7.2p2 * mc => 4.7.01 * perl-pango => 1.221 * python-pygments => 1.1.1 * python-bpython => * python-mysql => 1.2.3.c1 * python-django => 1.1.1 * python-sqlalchemy => 0.5.6 * python-formalchemy => 1.3.1 * python-jinja2 => 2.2.1 * tuxtype => 1.8.0 * intltool => 0.40.6 * babl=> 0.1.0 * gegl => 0.1.0 * gimp => 2.6.8 * couchdb => 0.10.1 * python-couchdbkit => 0.3.1 * libsmpeg => 389 * stoq => 0.9.11 * stoqdrivers => * fpm2 => 0.76.1 * awstats => 6.95 * pure-ftpd => 1.0.27 * strace => 4.5.19 * pygtk => 2.16.0 * pycairo => 1.8.2 * pygobject => 2.20.0 * gdb => 7.0.1 * reiserfprogs => 3.6.21 * gajim => 0.13.1 * midori => 0.2.2 * ntfs-3g => 2009.11.14 * libboost => 1.41.0 * wormux => 0.8.5 * vte => 0.23.1 * sakura => 2.3.6 * jfsutils => 1.1.14 * emelfm2 => 0.7.1 * leafpad => 0.8.17 * popt => 1.15 * libmodplug => 0.8.7 * espeak => 1.42.04 * libffi => 3.0.9 * udev => 150 * cyrus-sasl => 2.1.23 * rsync => 3.0.7 * mpd => 0.15.7 * mpc => 0.19 * ario => 1.4.2 * slitaz-bootscripts => 3.2 * eet => 1.2.3 * e17 => 2009.12.02 * enlightenment => 2009.12.02 * pidgin => 2.6.5 * dnsmasq => 2.51 * get-virtualbox => 1.01 * bind => 9.6.1-P2 ===== Improvements ===== * slitaz-tools (3.4) - Lots of fixes and improvements * tazpkg (3.2) - Box is much faster and deps auto-installed * slitaz-boot-scripts (3.2) - WPA connections are much faster, boot time is logged and Xorg is autoconfigured at boot for any Live systems using it * Package database for the Cooking version: 2226 (+ 835 from 2.0) ===== Bugs ===== ^ Activity ^ Open ^ Closed ^ | Bugs | 58 | 50 | | Features | 37 | 21 | | Tasks | 9 | 38 | * Based on current figures ===== Cartoon ===== {{:en:newsletter:cartoon-6.png|}} ===== Tips and Tricks ===== * The Many Uses of Screen: http://www.serverwatch.com/tutorials/article.php/3838961/The-Many-Uses-of-Screen.htm ===== Online ===== * Slitaz Linux - Zero to Distro in 30MB!: http://linuxologist.com/reviews/slitaz-linux-zero-to-distro-in-30-mb/ ===== Old Issues ===== * Click [[en:newsletter:oldissues|here]]