====== Monthly Newsletter - Issue 19 ====== Lang:[[cn:newsletter:start|cn]] [[en:newsletter:start|en]] [[fr:newsletter:start|fr]] [[ru:newsletter:start|ru]] * Written on 29th August 2010 ===== Latest News ===== * Handbook translated and updated into Russian (thanks Lexeii, Onion, Cyril) ===== New Packages ===== * hostapd * xfce4-dev-tools * tmux * tazwikiss * exiftool * libgtkimageview * ufraw * macchanger * libcss * libwapcaplet * elfutils * lxrandr * lxterminal * masqmail * wbarconf * unrar * perl-rfc-rfc822-address * perl-parse-recdescent * perl-text-iconv * silc-server * nut * uclibc-cross-compiler * openttd * opengfx * sysstat * icecast * uget * glew * get-google-talkplugin * qemu-{arm,mips,ppc,x86} * puzzles * ruby-gtk2 * thunderbird * thunderbird-langpack-* ===== Updated Packages ===== * sip => 4.10.2 * busybox => 1.17.1 * pidgen => 2.7.1 * john => 1.7.6 * isof => 4.83 * chkrootkit => 0.49 * libiec61883 => 1.2.0 * logrotate => 3.7.9 * calcurse => 2.8 * nss-ldap => 265 * pam-ldap => 185 * c-client => 2007e * exo => 0.3.107 * goffice => 0.8.6 * gnumeric => 1.10.7 * xfce4* => 4.6.2 * thunar => 1.0.2 * libxfcegui4 => 4.6.4 * libraw1394 => 2.0.5 * task => 1.9.2 * fotoxx => 10.8 * printoxx => 2.7 * zim => 0.48 * xorg-xf86-input-synaptics => * keepass => 0.4.3 * tmux => 1.3 * py3k => 3.1.2 * xchat => 3.8.8 * xorg-xf86-input-elographics => 1.2.4 * xorg-xf86-input-plpevtch => 0.5.0 * beaver => 0.4.0 * libmng => 1.0.10 * netsurf => 2.5 * memtest => 4.10 * wine => 1.2 * wesnoth => 1.8.3 * gcc => 4.5.1 * catalyst => 10.7 * cpufrequtils => 008 * exiftool => 8.27 * dbus => 1.2.24 * apache-ant => 1.8.1 * krb5 => 1.8.3 * libpng => 1.4.3 * jpeg => 8b * lirc => 0.8.6 * ecj => 3.6 * dbus-glib => 0.86 * dbus-python => 0.83.1 * eggdbus => 0.6 * Policykit => 0.97 * GConf => 2.31.7 * bazaar => 2.2.0 * glib => 2.25.13 * libftdi => 0.18 * scite => 2.10 * srcpd => 2.1.1 * libgdiplus => 0.18 * mono => 2.6.7 * pixman => 0.18.0 * icedtea6 => 1.8.1 * pango => 1.28.1 * freetype => 2.4.2 * zile => 2.3.19 * yad => 0.3.1 * evince => 2.30.3 * libproxy => 0.4.2 * firefox => 3.6.8 * qemu => 0.12.5 * putty =>0.60-2010-08-29 * kismet => 2010-07-R1 * libedit => 20100424-3.0 * pm-utils => 1.4.1 * powertop => 1.13 * xorg-xf86-video-neomagic => 1.2.5 ===== Improvements ===== * tazbb - add stable support for log.php * mirror-tools - add mirror-info web page ===== Bugs ===== ^ Activity ^ Open ^ Closed ^ | Bugs | 97 | 86 | | Features | 39 | 31 | | Tasks | 26 | 33 | * Based on current figures ===== Cartoon ===== {{:en:newsletter:cartoon-11.png|}} ===== Tips and Tricks ===== * Text editing with Nano made easy: http://tuxradar.com/content/text-editing-nano-made-easy ===== Online ===== * One floppy, dozens of tools - http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2010/07/23/one-floppy-dozens-of-tools/ ===== Old Issues ===== * Click [[en:newsletter:oldissues|here]]