Web start and possible immediate installation

Special figure in Slitaz !

Slitaz is one of the extremely rare OS's available fully prepared for the web start in live mode using a very small starting program. The starting program can be saved on a old floppy disk or very little special ISO burned on a CD-ROM.

But each starting ISO of Slitaz with the live version of “base”, “justX” or “stable” or “cooking” contains also this start program being used through the commando line options at starting time of the ISO.

The special advantage of this kind of start is to work with the most actual cooking version and not with the version of the CD.

The same technical ability can of course be used within a closed community.

Where can I find the starting image for a starting floppy disk?


Please read more here:


Where can I find the small ISO for a small starting CD rom?

You can use the little flavor version


for that.

Only enter please “web” as commando line option!

Starting from the net

The start from net don't differ from usual start from the CD.

Only enter “web” as commando line option. The starting program don't follow the CD any more but search the more actual file on the web.

Install Slitaz on the hard disk after the net start

Of course here is an important difference compared with the usual start:

There is no CD in the drive where the installation program can find the row files.


Regular net start in my community net (school etc.)

Install the adequate Slitaz version on the own server


Limit access if required


Prepare an adequate ISO for a own starting check card mini CD
