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en:cookbook:receipt [2012/10/26 07:41]
en:cookbook:receipt [2017/04/24 17:05] (current)
hgt [Functions]
Line 90: Line 90:
 === compile_rules() === === compile_rules() ===
-To compile a package you can use the variable $src to move (cd) in the directory of sources and use $CONFIGURE_ARGS to include arguments from the Cookutils configuration file. To build the package you usually launch '​make'​ without any arguments, and to install the package into the directory ​install: it's necessary to use the command 'make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install'​. Generic example:+To compile a package you can use the variable $src to move (cd) in the directory of sources and use $CONFIGURE_ARGS to include arguments from the Cookutils configuration file. To build the package you usually launch '​make'​ without any arguments, and to install the package into the directory ​''​$DESTDIR''​: it's necessary to use the command ​''make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install''. Generic example:
 <file bash> <file bash>
en/cookbook/receipt.1351230109.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 07:41 by linea