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en:devnotes:prepare-experimental [2011/01/19 21:57]
gokhlayeh created
en:devnotes:prepare-experimental [2011/02/22 22:19] (current)
linea tiny edits
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 ==== Warning ==== ==== Warning ====
-Before using the experimental wok, it'​s ​advised ​to read and understand the [[en:​cookbook:​advancedhg|Advanced usage of Mercurial]]as the experimental wok use MQ to handle the patch queue.+Before using the experimental wok, it'​s ​advisable ​to read and understand the [[en:​cookbook:​advancedhg|Advanced usage of Mercurial]] as the experimental wok uses MQ to handle the patch queue.
-Please note that the source code, wok & packages use a lot of spacedon'​t ​stock all that into you'​re ​RAM unless you're sure that all will run fine. If you use a live system, you can use a physical disk to stock data using the boot option home=You can also mount de disk (i.e.: on /mnt).+Please note that the source code, wok & packages use a lot of spacedon'​t ​store all of that in your RAM unless you're sure that it will run fine. If you use a live system, you can use a physical disk to store data using the boot option home=You can also mount the disk (i.e.: on /mnt).
 ==== Enabling Mercurial Queue ==== ==== Enabling Mercurial Queue ====
-The experimental wok is shared as patches which can't be integrated into cooking wok for now. To use them, you need the extension MQSo you'​re ​~/.hgrc should ​contains theses ​lines:+The experimental wok is shared as patches which can't be integrated into the cooking wok for now. To use them, you need the extension MQSo your ~/.hgrc should ​contain these lines:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 18: Line 18:
 ==== Download cooking wok & patch it ==== ==== Download cooking wok & patch it ====
-First check that the destination disk is mounted. In the directory which will contains the data, create a repertory ​called experimental and enter in it:+First check that the destination disk is mounted. In the directory which contains the data, create a repository ​called experimental and enter in it:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 cd destination cd destination
Line 26: Line 26:
-Download the wok :+Download the wok:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 hg clone http://​​wok wok hg clone http://​​wok wok
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-If you was root, give read/write permissions to you'​re ​normal account; then exit the root one:+If you were root, enable ​read/write permissions to your normal account; then exit the root one:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 chown tux.tux -R wok chown tux.tux -R wok
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-The patches will apply well on the revisions for which they was created, but problems can appears ​with other revisions. The revisions correlated to the last update of the patches can be found here: http://​​wok-experimental.+The patches will apply well on the revisions for which they was created, but problems can appear ​with the other revisions. The revisions correlated to the last update of the patches can be found here: http://​​wok-experimental.
 Update the wok to the good revision: Update the wok to the good revision:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 61: Line 61:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Unapply patches (don'​t ​works if modifications are uncommitted):​+Unapply patches (doesn'​t ​work if modifications are uncommitted):​
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 hg qpop-a hg qpop-a
en/devnotes/prepare-experimental.1295470647.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2011/01/19 21:57 by gokhlayeh