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en:guides:liveusb [2017/02/01 16:52]
bellard no tazusb.exe with 5.0+
en:guides:liveusb [2017/02/01 20:08] (current)
Line 29: Line 29:
 They will work with [[http://​​iso/​4.0/​flavors/​slitaz-4.0-core.iso|slitaz-4.0-core.iso]] or another single rootfs.gz flavor found [[http://​​iso/​4.0/​flavors/​|here]].</​note>​ They will work with [[http://​​iso/​4.0/​flavors/​slitaz-4.0-core.iso|slitaz-4.0-core.iso]] or another single rootfs.gz flavor found [[http://​​iso/​4.0/​flavors/​|here]].</​note>​
-<note warning>​**Tazusb.exe ​do not work with any cooking.iso,​ rolling.iso or slitaz-5.0.iso** .+<note warning>​**Tazusb.exe ​does not work with any cooking.iso,​ rolling.iso or slitaz-5.0.iso**.
-The .iso file must be renamed to .exe file, i.e. :+The .iso file must be renamed to an .exe file, i.e.:
-    * boot on windows, +    * boot into windows, 
-    * download latest slitaz-rolling.iso,​+    * download ​the latest slitaz-rolling.iso,​
     * go to the downloaded file directory,     * go to the downloaded file directory,
     * rename the file slitaz-rolling.iso to slitaz-rolling.exe,​     * rename the file slitaz-rolling.iso to slitaz-rolling.exe,​
-    * double-click the file slitaz-rolling.exe to run it,+    * double-click ​on the file slitaz-rolling.exe to run it,
     * follow the instructions given by the application (2-3 steps):     * follow the instructions given by the application (2-3 steps):
-    *- Do you want to create boot key: => answer yes,+    *- Do you want to create ​boot key: => answer yes,
     *- Step 1: unplug the USB stick,     *- Step 1: unplug the USB stick,
     *- Step 2: plug the USB stick in and wait for Windows to mount it,     *- Step 2: plug the USB stick in and wait for Windows to mount it,
Line 46: Line 46:
     * press Fn key to choose alternative boot device, slitaz boot panel must be displayed,     * press Fn key to choose alternative boot device, slitaz boot panel must be displayed,
     *- select the language,     *- select the language,
-    *- RETURN ​for booting.+    *- RETURN ​to boot.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
Line 88: Line 88:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Note that the /dev/sdxx part of the command above specifies the location to where you need to write the iso's files to; it is not the source media where the iso is on ! With the iso file as install source option, you should hence specify the exact location where the slitaz iso  source file is located. If it is located at /home/tux (while running slitaz from a non-live version), write "​tazusb gen-iso2usb /​home/​tux/​slitaz.iso /​dev/​sdxx"​. If the source file is found on an external hard disk, mention the folder in which the media'​s files are outputted to -check this with PCManFM (in practice the folder can be something like /​media/​disk). So, the command you'd need to write with the latter would be something like "​tazusb gen-iso2usb /​media/​disk/​slitaz.iso /​dev/​sdxx"​+Note that the /dev/sdxx part of the command above specifies the location to where you need to write the iso's files to; it is not the source media where the iso is on ! With the iso file as install source option, you should hence specify the exact location where the slitaz iso  source file is located. If it is located at /home/tux (while running slitaz from a non-live version), write "​tazusb gen-iso2usb /​home/​tux/​slitaz.iso /​dev/​sdxx"​. If the source file is found on an external hard disk, mention the folder in which the media'​s files are outputted to - check this with PCManFM (in practice the folder can be something like /​media/​disk). So, the command you'd need to write with the latter would be something like "​tazusb gen-iso2usb /​media/​disk/​slitaz.iso /​dev/​sdxx"​
 Once done, wait… and then reboot! Once done, wait… and then reboot!
en/guides/liveusb.1485964335.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/01 16:52 by bellard