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en:guides:uncommoninst [2011/07/09 09:59]
bellard [Unusual install methods]
en:guides:uncommoninst [2015/06/21 14:28] (current)
linea tiny edit
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 The following configurations are using the SliTaz 4.0 boot loader **grub4dos-linux**. The following configurations are using the SliTaz 4.0 boot loader **grub4dos-linux**.
-Most kernel command line arguments are processed by [[http://​​wok/file/tip/​busybox/​stuff/​init|/​init]].+Most kernel command line arguments are processed by [[http://​​slitaz-boot-scripts/​file/​tip/​init|/​init]] during the [[/​en:​guides:​bootguide|boot process]].
 ===== Frugal install ===== ===== Frugal install =====
Line 33: Line 33:
 This is a mix between a frugal and traditional install. The system runs fully in RAM but the // home // directory is always on the key. You can modify the system (configure, install packages) and then save the new system on the key 8-). This is a mix between a frugal and traditional install. The system runs fully in RAM but the // home // directory is always on the key. You can modify the system (configure, install packages) and then save the new system on the key 8-).
 See [[http://​​tazusb/​raw-file/​tip/​doc/​tazusb.en.html|tazusb manual]] See [[http://​​tazusb/​raw-file/​tip/​doc/​tazusb.en.html|tazusb manual]]
 +<note tip>You can create the USB key from the ISO image 
 +  # tazusb gen-iso2usb slitaz-cooking.iso 
 ==== Hybrid ISO ==== ==== Hybrid ISO ====
 This install method will **erase all of your key** and install a **unmodifiable** :-/ SliTaz. You can create a custom system with //tazlito// or //​tazlitobox//​. Each Slitaz ISO image is [[http://​​en:​guides:​dvd#​hybrid-iso|hybrid]]. This install method will **erase all of your key** and install a **unmodifiable** :-/ SliTaz. You can create a custom system with //tazlito// or //​tazlitobox//​. Each Slitaz ISO image is [[http://​​en:​guides:​dvd#​hybrid-iso|hybrid]].
 +<note tip>Use fdisk to get back the remining free space on the USB keys. Simply add a partition(s). 
 +  # dd if=slitaz-cooking.iso of=/​dev/​usbkey 
 +  # fdisk /​dev/​usbkey 
 ===== Floppy install ===== ===== Floppy install =====
Line 46: Line 51:
 ==== Prepare a floppy set ==== ==== Prepare a floppy set ====
-Get a floppy set from http://​​floppies/​. The base subset should be sufficient (floppies).+Get a floppy set from http://​​floppies/​. The base subset should be sufficient (floppies).
 <note tip>Your may use one floppy only with [[http://​​tiny/​|tiny slitaz]] <note tip>Your may use one floppy only with [[http://​​tiny/​|tiny slitaz]]
 for a manual install (without the slitaz-installer)</​note>​ for a manual install (without the slitaz-installer)</​note>​
Line 66: Line 71:
 # cat fdiso* | cpio -i # cat fdiso* | cpio -i
 # rm fdiso*</​code>​ # rm fdiso*</​code>​
 +<note tip>If space is critical, replace the last 2 lines with:
 +<​code>​for i in fdiso*; do cat $i; rm -f $i; done | cpio -i</​code>​
 Now you can use any install method from an ISO image. Example: Now you can use any install method from an ISO image. Example:
 <​code>#​ mount -o loop,ro slitaz.iso /​media/​cdrom <​code>#​ mount -o loop,ro slitaz.iso /​media/​cdrom
Line 145: Line 153:
 <note tip>You can extract the bzImage and rootfs.gz from the iso image to avoid map commands and defragmentation.</​note>​ <note tip>You can extract the bzImage and rootfs.gz from the iso image to avoid map commands and defragmentation.</​note>​
-===== Subdirectory install =====+===== Subdirectory install ​in a Posix filesystem ​=====
 If you want install SliTaz on a disk (not a frugal install), and you don't want to create a partition for SliTaz, but you have room in a filesystem for another Unix and you don't know how much space to reserve for SliTaz... If you want install SliTaz on a disk (not a frugal install), and you don't want to create a partition for SliTaz, but you have room in a filesystem for another Unix and you don't know how much space to reserve for SliTaz...
 ... create a subdirectory and install SliTaz into it! ... create a subdirectory and install SliTaz into it!
-<note important>​This install method can waste some MB of RAM: it loads a ramdisk from the preinit flavor and doesn'​t disallocate RAM fully from the ramdisk. 
 ==== Root filesystem files installation ==== ==== Root filesystem files installation ====
Line 173: Line 178:
 Both notes in 'Loop install'​ section about bzImage extraction and UUID/LABEL also apply here. Both notes in 'Loop install'​ section about bzImage extraction and UUID/LABEL also apply here.
-<note tip>The subdirectory install does not use exotic packages from preinit. You can use any SliTaz flavor (except lorams). ​However this is not recommended because ​the RAM filesystem is not fully disallocated</​note>​+<note tip>The subdirectory install does not use exotic packages from preinit. You can use any SliTaz flavor (except lorams).</​note>​ 
 +<note tip>The subdirectory install can be easily tested with a [[wp>​Raspberry_Pi]] running [[wp>​Raspbian]] with the [[http://​​slitaz-arm/​raw-file/​tip/​rpi/​tazbian|tazbian]] script. This script creates a raspbian package from the latest SliTaz tarballs found on the [[http://​​arm/​rpi/​|mirror]] . The installation of this package <​code>​$ sudo dpkg -i slitaz-<​VERSION>​-1_armhf.deb</​code>​ will install SliTaz in /​var/​os/​slitaz and setup a multiboot. It does not remove rasbian or alter partitions.</​note>​
 +===== Subdirectory install in a non-Posix filesystem =====
 +You want to install SliTaz in a subdirectory but the filesystem ([[wp>​NTFS]] or [[wp>​VFAT]]) does not fully support UNIX features.
 +Use [[http://​​pkgs/?​package=posixovl|posixovl]] !
 +==== Root filesystem files installation ====
 +You need to mount the target subdirectory (say /slitaz) with posixovl **before** installing the files.
 +  # mkdir /mnt/slitaz
 +  # mount.posixovl /mnt/slitaz
 +  # unlzma -c /​media/​cdrom/​boot/​rootfs.gz | ( cd /mnt/slitaz ; cpio -idmu )
 +<note tip>
 +Windows users can extract the archive http://​​iso/​4.0/​ and look at the file \slitaz\boot\install.txt
 +==== Boot setup ====
 +Like a loop install, you need a preinit iso file with a matching version.
 +The partition (say /dev/hda1) and the path into the partition are defined by the mount, subroot and **posixovl** arguments: ​
 +title SliTaz cooking
 +  map --mem --heads=0 --sectors-per-track=0 (hd0,​0)/​boot/​slitaz-preinit.iso (hd1)
 +  map --hook
 +  kernel (hd1)/​boot/​bzImage mount=/​dev/​hda1 subroot=slitaz posixovl
 +  initrd (hd1)/​boot/​rootfs.gz
 +Both notes in 'Loop install'​ section about bzImage extraction and UUID/LABEL also apply here.
 +====== TODO ======
 +==== Extra setup ====
 +You want to see the host partition while running SliTaz like [[wp>​UMSDOS]] does with /DOS.
 +Create the mount point:
 +  # mkdir /​mnt/​slitaz/​Windows
 +And update the boot arguments:
 +title SliTaz cooking
 +  map (hd0,​0)/​boot/​slitaz-preinit.iso (hd1)
 +  map --hook
 +  kernel (hd1)/​boot/​bzImage mount=/​dev/​hda1 subroot=slitaz posixovl bindfs=.,​slitaz/​Windows
 +  initrd (hd1)/​boot/​rootfs.gz
 +====== TODO ======
 ===== LVM install ===== ===== LVM install =====
en/guides/uncommoninst.1310198387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/07/09 09:59 by bellard