SliTaz GNU/Linux official and community documentation wiki.
Translations of this page:

From BIOS to /etc/init.d/rcS

   |             |            |           |
   V             V            V           V
 Floppy      Hard Disk    Versatile      PXE (4)
 set (3)    DVD/CD-ROM <- Floppy (2) -->  or
   |          USB key                  WEB boot
   V             V                        |
   +-------------+         +--------------+
          |                V              |
          V         PXE forwarder (5)     V
     Boot Sector           |              |
          |                V              |
Already running Kernel          V
          V                     |
          +------KEXEC (8)  Boot loader 
                   |            |
             |                            |
             V                            V
     Frugal/Uncommon(1):              Installed:
    load Kernel+initramfs          load Kernel only
             |                            |
             V                            V
+--------Run /init -------------+         |
|            |                  |     Mount root
|            V                  |     filesystem  
|      Create tmpfs             |         |
|     |            |            |         |
|     V            V            V         V
|  Loram(7):     Frugal:    Uncommon(1):  | 
| Mount aufs    populate    run script    |
| & squashfs     tmpfs    load modules(s) |
|     |            |        mount root    |
|     |            |            |         |
V     +------------+------------+         |
|                        |                |
+------+                 V                V
       |         Switch to new root       |
       |                 |                |
       |                 +----------------+
 Tiny SliTaz(6):              |
       |                      V
       |               Run /sbin/init
       |                      |
          Run /etc/init.d/rcS       
           from /etc/inittab
  1. Uncommon is LVM, RAID, crypto, loop or subdir mount with preinit rootfs.
  2. LAN PXE or WEB boot.
  3. Tiny slitaz, see
  4. kexec command from the kexec-tools package.

SliTaz ISO image boot tricks

The cdrom image has a hybrid format from version 5.0.

  • It boots from a cdrom drive according to the el-torito specification as usual (BIOS or UEFI).
  • It boots from a memory card / USB key using the syslinux hybrid format (BIOS) or using a FAT partition mapped in the ISO image (UEFI).
  • It launches a USB boot key creation utility from Windows (32 bits).
  • It can boot from DOS (real mode or virtual 8086 with EMM386) directly:
C:\> ren slitaz.iso slitaz.exe
C:\> slitaz.exe

The files bzImage, memtest and ipxe can boot with DOS too:

C:\> ren bzimage bzimage.exe
C:\> bzimage.exe root=/dev/hda3 autologin
C:\> ren memtest memtest.exe
C:\> memtest.exe
C:\> ren ipxe ipxe.exe
C:\> ipxe.exe

  • It is easily customizable with the iso2exe (compatible with taziso or tazpanel/boot/ISO mine) tool:
iso2exe -a "lang=fr_FR kmap=fr-latin1 tz=Europe/Paris" -i myconfig.gz slitaz.iso
iso2exe -l slitaz.iso
iso2exe -r slitaz.iso custom.append custom.initrd
taziso slitaz.iso getcustomconf
taziso slitaz.iso isomd5

You can tune the boot process with your own /init script:


sed -i 's,^RUN_DAEMONS=",RUN_DAEMONS="dropbear ,' /etc/rcS.conf
cat >> /etc/init.d/ <<EOM
exec /init "$@"

Update the kernel command line:

iso2exe -a "rdinit=/myinit lang=fr_FR kmap=fr-latin1 tz=Europe/Paris" -i myconfig slitaz.iso -f

en/guides/bootguide.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/15 12:59 by bellard