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en:guides:bootguide [2016/07/18 11:09]
bellard typos
en:guides:bootguide [2020/03/15 12:59] (current)
bellard [SliTaz ISO image boot tricks]
Line 70: Line 70:
 The cdrom image has a hybrid format from version 5.0. The cdrom image has a hybrid format from version 5.0.
-  * It boots from a cdrom drive according to the el-torito specification as usual +  * It boots from a cdrom drive according to the el-torito specification as usual (BIOS or UEFI). 
-  * It boots from a memory card / USB key using the syslinux hybrid format +  * It boots from a memory card / USB key using the syslinux hybrid format ​(BIOS) or using a FAT partition mapped in the ISO image (UEFI). 
-  * It launches a USB boot key creation utility from Windows (32 bits) +  * It launches a USB boot key creation utility from Windows (32 bits). 
-  * It can boot from DOS (in real mode only) directly:+  * It can boot from DOS (real mode or virtual 8086 with EMM386) directly:
 <​code>​C:​\>​ ren slitaz.iso slitaz.exe <​code>​C:​\>​ ren slitaz.iso slitaz.exe
en/guides/bootguide.1468832959.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/18 11:09 by bellard