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en:guides:remotedesktop-x11vnc [2020/09/23 15:55]
hgt created (translated from french)
en:guides:remotedesktop-x11vnc [2020/10/03 18:03] (current)
Line 5: Line 5:
 <​note>​ <​note>​
-In the case of this guide, the local machine is using Windows XPand the remote machine to be accessed+In the case of this guide, the local machine is using Windows XP and the remote machine to be accessed
 is running SliTaz. The IP address of this remote machine is ****. is running SliTaz. The IP address of this remote machine is ****.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
-==== Prerequisite ​====+==== Prerequisites ​====
   - Be logged in as a nonprivileged user (in general tux with SliTaz) and not as system administrator (root).   - Be logged in as a nonprivileged user (in general tux with SliTaz) and not as system administrator (root).
Line 67: Line 67:
 $ x11vnc -storepasswd $ x11vnc -storepasswd
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-All that remains is to enter the password, confirm itand remember it.+All that remains is to enter the password, confirm it and remember it.
 ==== Automatisation ==== ==== Automatisation ====
-x11vnc works, but in order to use itit must be executed after startup of the remote system,+x11vnc works, but in order to use itit must be executed after startup of the remote system,
 so that VNC remote access is possible. so that VNC remote access is possible.
 It would be handy if x11vnc could run itself automatically when the system is booted, It would be handy if x11vnc could run itself automatically when the system is booted,
 so that it does not have to be started manually each time to take remote control. so that it does not have to be started manually each time to take remote control.
-To do this, right-click on an empty area of the desktop screen, select openboxand then start script.+To do this, right-click on an empty area of the desktop screen, select openbox and then start script.
 {{ :​fr:​guides:​sdd.png |}} {{ :​fr:​guides:​sdd.png |}}
en/guides/remotedesktop-x11vnc.1600869302.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/09/23 15:55 by hgt