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Screen magnifier

SliTaz supplies a screen magnifier whose edges can be resized and that can magnify up to 16x. It also provides graphical tools that enable a crosshair, pixel positions and RGB values. It can be found in the Menu → Utilities:

 # tazpkg get-install magnifier

Espeak - Text to speech (TTS)

The espeak speech synthesizer run from the command line can speak text from an input file or from stdin and supports many languages. Espeak can adjust the amplitude, pitch, word gap, speed, etc. It can also write its output to a wave file rather than speaking it directly. Type espeak –help for a full list of available options:

 # tazpkg get-install espeak

Example of use:

 $ espeak -f example.txt

On-screen keyboard

Virtual keyboard (xvkbd) can be used to enter characters into the software of your choice. The menu can be used to change the keyboard layout, function keys, etc. It supports word completion, the removal of unwanted keys and can connect to a remote display. The configuration can be found in the ~/.Xdefaults file:

 # tazpkg get-install xvkbd
en/handbook/accessibility.1264627376.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/07/08 17:18 (external edit)