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en:handbook:desktop [2012/06/15 20:37]
en:handbook:desktop [2020/09/23 18:29] (current)
hgt [Applications started automatically]
Line 29: Line 29:
 ===== Applications started automatically ===== ===== Applications started automatically =====
-When starting in graphical mode, Openbox allows many applications to start automatically via the //~/​.config/​openbox/​ script. By default, using this script, SliTaz starts the file manager PCmanFM for the management of screen and desktop icons, the panel (LXpanel) for the menu, and dbus for the management of devices or media such as USB keys. To add or remove applications launched at startup of the session, you can edit the script or use the small SliTaz GUI located in the menu //"​Preferences"​ → "Auto started applications"​// +When starting in graphical mode, Openbox allows many applications to start automatically via the \\ 
 +**~/​.config/​openbox/​autostart** script. By default, using this script, SliTaz starts the file manager PCmanFM for the management of screen and desktop icons, the panel (LXpanel) for the menu, and dbus for the management of devices or media such as USB keys. To add or remove applications launched at startup of the session, you can edit the script or use the small SliTaz GUI located in the menu **"​Preferences"​ → "Auto started applications"​** 
 {{ :​en:​handbook:​image:​desktopbox-autostart.png }} {{ :​en:​handbook:​image:​desktopbox-autostart.png }}
en/handbook/desktop.1339785453.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/06/15 20:37 by linea