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Frequently Asked Questions

This page is currently under development. It will be subject to much change during the Documentation sprint. The information presented should be correct, though may not be 100% accurately tested.

Listed here are the most frequently asked questions from the user forums. Please check here to see if your problem has been fixed before starting a new forum thread.

These are organised into per-scenario groups - from system-level through to the desktop. Within each, a symptom describes a give-away identification of the problem; a widely-working solution is then outlined.

Cannot Login to Desktop

  • Slim, the SliTaz Login Manager, fails with the message:
 failed to execute login command 

This is caused when files in the user's /home directory are not properly configured. The following files must exist, this can be verified with the ls -la command:

  • .Xdefaults
  • .xinitrc
  • something else?

You should copy the default files from the template located in the /etc/skel directory. This happens automatically when a new user is created with the SliTaz Control Box, but not when using the command-line utilities. Occasionally users experience these files being removed or modified/broken.

Switch to the root (super) user:

 su root 

Change to the affected users /home directory:

 cd /home/USERNAME 

Set the shell options to allow the dot (.) to be included in file names:

 shopt -s dotglob 

Copy all files, recursively:

 cp -r /etc/skel/* /home/USERNAME 

Change ownership of all files and directories in the user's home to that of the affected user:


Restore the shell options:

 shopt -u dotglob 

The essential files should now be restored!

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en/guides/faq.1272984019.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/07/08 17:16 (external edit)